Abagail started off as a small project by two members of Deformation Studios, Lucas Nolan Synnott and Scott Baker. As they were watching some video tutorials by 3D Buzz, they learned that if they gained permission (which they did) they could modify the Hyperion engine (text based engine by 3D Buzz) and use it to make their game.

So they both set off to program a cluedo type game, and they did. With the release of Abagail – A Text based adventure game; they gained a whole variety of fans of all ages that loved a good story. This became Deformation Studios first game.

With contacts from some colleges in Ireland, Deformation Studios have planned ahead, and have found with their newly acquired hardware, software and skills, Deformation Studios have planned to create Abagail, which once was a text-based adventure game, into a state-of-the-art horror game based on the Unreal Engine 3.

This new project, codenamed [Abagail] has given rise to new members to the team, who spend nearly every waking hour working on concepts, artwork and plot ideas for the main game. [Abagail] tends to be a summer project. Although with no deadline, it may extend to next summer (2009) also.

Deformation Studios

Abagail Concepts: