Posts Tagged 'June 17th 2008'

Official Abagail announced (Unreal Engine 3)

Hey everyone!

We’ve just announced ‘Abagail’. It was originally based on a modified version of the Hyperion Engine (Text based console engine) by 3D Buzz. Deformation Studios has now began huge production on an Unreal Tournament 3 / Bioshock engine modification, which will be a completely revamped version of the original Abagail Game.

Current status – June 17th 2008:
The team are currently spending long hours with our pens, pencils and pads writing ideas and different concepts for the game. In the next few days once we’ve worked out what we need to do, we are going to have our artist come over and draw out some basic sketches of Abagail, and some other new characters you guys will find when you play the game 😉 This week has been very productive, and we’ve come to a small conclusion that although we can handle it, this will be a VERY big project.

Just a small note, we’ve found some very nice people along the way, who have kindly given us state-of-the-art computers, and the latest 3Ds Max and Maya software to date.

Please stay tuned!

Abagail Concepts: