Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Production on Abagail

At the beginning of last year the team had agreed to try and develop the Abagail series further. However, last year we didn’t realize that there was a lot of the UnrealEd for us to learn about, and that’s exactly what we did. The team got together and began working on learning the different aspects of dealing with a new engine (The majority of the team had come from the Source Engine). But we’ve learned it and we know were ready to make this total conversion modification a reality.

For those of you who don’t know what Abagail is about, here’s a quick brief on the storyline:

Based in the 1920’s to 1940’s. The game begins outside the mansion, showing several scenes of Abagail and her boyfriend, Sid, saying goodbye outside the old forest gates of the Matthews Family Mansion. But when creatures of the Dark Forest and the Matthew’s mansion take control of Abagail, and pull her furiously into the depths of darkness, you have no choice but to fight your way inside and save her. The player controls Abagail’s boyfriend, Sid. Although not much is known about Sid, you will find out more information as you continue to play the game.

We’ve begun development on Abagail. To this date, we have a good few things started on, this involves:

– Drawings of Abagail and a brand new character called Rayn. Drawn by our artist Fiona O’Regan.

– Two level designs have been started on (Act 1 and Act 2)

– Storyline and the design document is nearly complete.


Abagail – Dress 2

Abagail – Dress 3


Level Designs:

Act 1 (W.I.P)

Act 2(W.I.P)

Act 2(W.I.P) Screenshot 2

We are looking for some Unrealscript programmers, as there are somethings we are looking to create that simply cannot be done in Matinee or Kismet.

I’d like to put out a special thanks to the team for the development on both using the Unreal Engine and the developments that they have done for the modification so far (considering we have literally started the modification two weeks ago).

Stay Tuned!

Scott “Sythen” Baker.

Concept Artwork started

Today our artist, Fiona O’Regan came over and began to work with us and our design document. We have come up with new designs for each character, and along with that we’ve come up with backstorys for each character and the different type of environments they will be in.

Overall today was extremely productive, and we plan on keeping everyone up to date with the addition of concept artwork (when completed) to our Flickr account.



Official Abagail announced (Unreal Engine 3)

Hey everyone!

We’ve just announced ‘Abagail’. It was originally based on a modified version of the Hyperion Engine (Text based console engine) by 3D Buzz. Deformation Studios has now began huge production on an Unreal Tournament 3 / Bioshock engine modification, which will be a completely revamped version of the original Abagail Game.

Current status – June 17th 2008:
The team are currently spending long hours with our pens, pencils and pads writing ideas and different concepts for the game. In the next few days once we’ve worked out what we need to do, we are going to have our artist come over and draw out some basic sketches of Abagail, and some other new characters you guys will find when you play the game 😉 This week has been very productive, and we’ve come to a small conclusion that although we can handle it, this will be a VERY big project.

Just a small note, we’ve found some very nice people along the way, who have kindly given us state-of-the-art computers, and the latest 3Ds Max and Maya software to date.

Please stay tuned!

Abagail – The Beginning

Hello Everyone!

This is the official blog for the game ‘Abagail’ created by Deformation Studios. Abagail started off as a Text Based Horror game created on a modified version of the Hyperion Engine by 3D Buzz. From there we decided that we could use Abagail as a learning project for coding and learning about writing an engine etc..

So we thought we could split the Abagail Project into three parts. Text Based, 2D Game Engine, and 3D Game Engine. As we are learning this may a bit farfetched but we plan on doing this over the next 2-3 years. Currently Abagail stands as a finished Text Based game based on a modified version of the Hyperion Engine. But we are continuing to increase the story and add new functions. We won’t be finished the Text Based for a few months yet.

We are also whipping up some concept ideas in photoshop and flash animations of the 2D Engine and how we want it to be. We will be distrubuting these over the next few posts also.

Stay tuned for more updates on Abagail!
Scott – Deformation Studios Founder.

Abagail Concepts: